Pretty Good
I really loved the raspy sound this had. It is really loud and rough and the beat is driving and powerful, just like a good dance track should be. Yet on the other hand, the soft piano stuff you mixed in was really nice, too. The melody overall sounded great and was quite catchy.
The intro was a bit repetitive, but between the drums coming in and some of the subtle melodies you added it didn't get at all stale in my opinion.
My only criticism is that interlude part that comes in at around 52 seconds seems to come in too early, breaking up the song a bit. It would have sounded a bit better if you made another hard, fuzzy melody before it slowed down.
The transition from that quiet part to the rest of the song is great, though. I just think it would sound better a bit later in the track.
Overall, I really enjoyed listening, good job on this.
Review Request Club~